How to Install macOS Monterey on VMware Workstation on Windows?

How to Install macOS Monterey on VMware- Released on WWDC21 by Apple as their 18th major release. Here is how to install macOS Monterey on VMware Workstation. Beta versions are quite troublesome, as numerous bugs come with the beta version.

Either the user doesn’t install the macOS Monterey due to bugs, just wants to try the macOS, or wants to check their application on macOS Monterey, here is how to perform the installation of macOS Monterey on VMware.

Even though, I tried my best to make the procedure easy and full image illustrated. Still, if you got confused please comment down.

System Requirement for macOS Monterey

There is one thing that needs to be clear in mind. Here were are talking about the needs on a Mac, we are talking about specs to run a Windows OS. As there is a great chance that you are running your VMware on Windows OS.

Memory: you should have 8 GB of RAM at least, having 16 will provide a smooth user experience.

Storage: 80 GB of free storage is recommended.

Processor: An Intel Core i5 or better is required. Users can also perform the virtualization on a Core 2 Duo or Core 2 Quad; however, it is unlikely to run the app as smoothly as needed.

Install macOS Monterey on VMware Workstation on Windows 10

how to install macOS Monterey on vmware
how to install macOS Monterey on VMware

So, here is the procedure to perform the installation:

Quick Note: For all those who have never performed virtualization on their system, they will need to enable virtualization from BIOS.

Download the Prerequisites

There are some tools that require your attention. You will need to download them and if you have already performed any virtualization then there is a great chance that you have the applications already.

You will need to download;

Once all the required applications are downloaded then you will need to perform the installation. All installations are super easy and you can do it on your own (I am fully assured that you can do it easily).

Related: How to Download macOS Monterey on Windows 10?

Create a new virtual machine

Now that all of the required applications are ready let’s start the virtualization. First, you will need to create a virtual machine. To create a virtual machine, open VMware and click on Create a new Virtual machine (CRTL+N).


A welcome window will pop. Select the Typical (Recommended) option and click on Next.


Here you will need to select I will install the operating system later (The virtual machine will be created a blank hard disk) and click on Next.

Select a Guest Operating system window that will appear. Select the Apple Mac OS X option and below selects the version, click on Next.

Note: If you can’t find Apple Mac OS x in your Guest Operating system, then you have not installed macOS Unlocker on your VMware Workstation or the installation hasn’t been done correctly.


Name your Virtual machine and click on Browser. Clicking on Browser will open another window that is basically asking for the location you want to create your virtual machine. Select a folder to create your virtual machine and click on Next.


The machine will ask you to specify your disk capacity.  By the disk capacity, the machine is asking for virtual disk size that will be hosted on your computer’s physical disk. Insert the amount you want to give your VM, and select Store virtual disk a single file, then click on Next.


Now your virtual machine is created. Still, you will need to configure it. Click on Customize Hardware… to continue to the next step.

Increase or decrease the amount of RAM memory given to your VM. 8 GB RAM is the best recommend amount.


In the Processors section, select the Number of processors, Numbers of cores per processor. Increase the numbers of improved performance.

Note: If your system has low specs then you can’t increase the memory and processor since the minimum requirement is 4 GB memory and 2 Cores of processors.


Select New CD/DVD (SATA) and find the ISO file of macOS Monterey. Select the ISO image file of macOS Monterey that you have already downloaded by clicking on Browse. When you have selected the ISO file, click on Close.


Finally, your virtual machine is created and configured; Click on Finish.

Related: How to Create macOS Monterey Bootable USB using Terminal?

Edit macOS Monterey VMX file


We mentioned in earlier steps, that you will need to select a location for your virtual machine. Now go to that location and open the virtual machine with Notepad. Here we have named our virtual machine “macOS 12”; so it will be macOS12.vmx.


Scroll down to the bottom and add smc.version= “0” to your code and save it.

Start virtual machine

Open your virtual machine by clicking on Power on this Virtual Machine in the macOS Monterey window.


Your macOS will boot. Now, the system will ask for Language.


Soon a new tab will appear. Select Disk Utility and Continue.

Erase-macOS-Monterey-Disk (1)
Erase-macOS-Monterey-Disk (1)

Select VMware Virtual SATA Hard Drive Media then click Erase.

For the Name, type disk macOS12HD then select APFS from Format drop-down list, in Scheme do GUID Partition Map and click Erase. Click on Done to close the dialogue box.


Inside the Disk Utility tab, click on Quit Disk Utility.


Select Install macOS 12 and click on Continue.


Again Continue and agree with Terms and Conditions.

For some two disks might appear, but mostly only one disk will appear. Select the disk and click on Continue.

Note: Most users experiences Operation Couldn’t be Completed BiErrorDomain Error 3 which can be fixed very easily. Follow these Fix BiErrorDomain Error 3.


macOS Monterey will restart multiple times and will take a long installation. The installation might take 15-30 minutes, here we recommend you make a cup of coffee.

Related: How to Create macOS Monterey Bootable USB on Windows?
Related: How to Install macOS Monterey On PC?

macOS Configuration


Select Country and click on Continue.

Pick one of the Keyboard layouts and click on Continue.


Turn-ON/OFF the Accessibility features like vision, motor, hearing, and cognitive. To skip you can click on Not Now.


For internet connection select one of the options, I have selected Local network (Ethernet) then click on Continue.


In Data & Privacy tab, read and click on Continue.


Accessibility like vision, motor, hearing, and cognitive will appear, click on Continue.

Apple ID will be needed, click on Set Up Later. Please don’t sign in for now, as users had experienced issues by setting up their Apple IDs.


Agree with the Terms and Conditions by Apple.


Type out your Full name, Account name, Password, Hint, and click on Continue.

make this your new mac
make this your new mac

In the Make This your New Mac tab, click on Continue.


On-Screen Timer will appear, click on Set Up Later.


Uncheck Siri and click on Continue.


Choose you Look tab will appear. Select one of your preferred themes out of Light, Dark, or Auto and click on Continue.

Note: I want to state it again. Please don’t log in to your Apple ID and wait for further updates as users have experienced issues after logging in with their Apple ID on virtualization platforms.

Another thing that needs your attention is that you will need to take snapshots. Take snapshots as after the installation, the macOS will perform correctly. However, on the restart, a black screen will appear. Nothing can be done there and reinstalling the macOS will enable you to use it one more time again.

This method will continue, for each use you will need to perform the entire creation and reinstallation of your virtual machine. Like others, we are waiting for the bug to be fixed with the new update.

Related: How to Create macOS Monterey ISO File?

Take Snapshots of macOS Monterey on VMware Workstation

Open System Preferences> Users & Groups. Click the lock icon and type your password. Click Login Options> Automatic Login should be your username.

Click on VM from the Menu bar> Snapshots and Take snapshots.

Install VMware tool

This one is an optional step. Performing this step will only improve your user experience of macOS Monterey on VMware Workstation. While using macOS on VMware, one thing that you will experience will be the slow and unresponsive graphics.

Installing the VMware tool will fix the resolutions and responsiveness of graphics. Your virtual machine will work even smoother and using the macOS will feel way easier. Here is how to fix graphics on macOS after installation.

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