How to Install Ubuntu on Windows 10 using VirtualBox?
Ubuntu is an amazing distribution of Linux. You will find the OS fully customizable which is totally free of cost. Here you will know how to install Ubuntu on VirtualBox on Windows 10 and Windows 11. Since the process is totally the same, you can use it on all Ubuntu flavors including GNOME, KDE, and more.
Install Ubuntu on Windows 10 or Windows 11

For installing Linux, make sure you have downloaded these files.
- First, download the Ubuntu ISO file.
- Then you will download VirtualBox for your Windows.
These two are important files that you will need to perform the installation of Ubuntu on Windows. Also, make sure that you have used a third-party downloader. As the downloader will help you download faster and look at the size of Ubuntu, you will need one.
1- Install VirtualBox on your Windows

Begin the installation of VirtualBox on Windows. Since the installation is quite easy, I have left that section to you. However; if you want a guide on the installation of VirtualBox then comment down.
I will create the entire process of installing VirtualBox on Windows 11 or earlier. For the installation, you will use the downloaded file that I have asked you before to download.
2- Create a new virtual machine on VirtualBox
Once you have installed VirtualBox then you will run it. Run the application by double clicking on the shortcut on the desktop.
Inside the application, you are going to click on New.

Then you will select the details of your VM. You are going to fill in the details given below:
Name: Ubuntu
Machine Folder: *select the folder where you want your VM to be created.
Type: Linux
Version: Ubuntu(32-bit/64-bit)
After providing the details of your VM; you are going to provide the RAM to your VM. In Memory size, you will insert RAM memory by moving the slider and clicking on Next.

Here is Hard Disk, you will select Create a virtual hard disk now option and click on Create.

In the Hard disk file type, you will select VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) and click on Next.
NOTE: Selecting VMDK (Virtual Machine Disk) option or VHD (Virutal Hard Disk) are totally dependent on your use.

Storage on physical hard disk will appear, select Dynamically allocated and click on Next.

Now in File location and size, you will click on the folder icon. This will open another window; there you will place the location of your Virtual Disk Image of Ubuntu. Then you will insert the amount of your virtual disk size and click on OK.
Once the Ubuntu ISO file is selected then you will select Create.
3- Configure your newly created VM
Now that you have created a new VM for Ubuntu, you can either configure it from Settings or do it inside the VM.
Those who want to use Settings can scroll down using the alternative method section. Whereas, users who want to do it inside the VM, will continue from here.

Start your VM by clicking on Start.
Inside the VM a prompt will appear. You will be asked to select the ISO file of Ubuntu. Here will click on the folder icon; select the ISO file of Ubuntu that you downloaded earlier and click on Start.

A smaller window will appear and click on Add button.

Then you will the Ubuntu ISO file and click on Choose.
Once the file is selected then you will click on Start.
An alternative method to configure VM
As for the alternative method, you will select Setting from your Virtual Machine instead of running it. Then you will select the Storage section.
Inside the Storage section, you will find the Controller option: IDE, and then click on Empty.
In this section, you will also find a disc icon. Click on the disc icon and select Choose Virtual CD/DVD file. Select the ISO file of Ubuntu and click on Open.
Waring will appear, click on OK.
Now run the installed Ubuntu on VirtualBox.
4- Grub Menu

Running the VM, you will be placed in Grub Menu. Here you will select the Ubuntu option and press Enter.
5- Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox
Here you will begin the installation of Ubuntu on VirtualBox on Windows 10 or other versions.

You will be placed in the Welcome window, here you will select the language and select Install Ubuntu.
TIP: for those who are not sure about Ubuntu installation, they can select the Try Ubuntu option. This one will install a lighter version of Ubuntu.

Select your keyboard layout by selecting English and English (US) and click on Continue.

Now you are at Update and other software window. You will select Normal installation.

Installation type will appear. You will select Erase disk and install Ubuntu option.

NOTE: here a prompt will appear with a warning of all files will be removed from the hard disk. Click on Continue in this window.

Select your location in Where are you? and click on Continue.

Create a local account on your Ubuntu and click on Continue.
Your name: NAME
Your computers name: NAME-VIRTUALBOX
Pick a username: TSCREEN
Choose a password: *******
Confirm your password: *******
TIP: you will need to put the names according to you and make sure to use a password that you can remember.

Welcome to Ubuntu window will appear and loading will take place. Once the loading got completed then you will see the Installation Completed window.

In the Installation Completed window, you will click on Restart Now.
Your VM will restart again and congratulation! You have successfully installed Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows 10 or 11.
6- Take a few Snapshots
As they say, “it’s better safe than sorry”. After creating VM and installing Ubuntu inside, you are recommended to take a few snapshots. These snapshots will help you to use the VM from the point the snapshots are taken.
This is a great way to avoid a long installation process, just in case something goes wrong. You will find the snapshot option in the VirtualBox menu bar.
Related: How to use Full Screened Ubuntu on VirtualBox?
Related: Download & Install VirtualBox Extension Pack on Ubuntu
Windows 10 crashes while installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox?
If you have experienced crashes while installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows, then you will need to check whether you have enabled the virtualization feature or not. Here use this link “enable virtualization on Windows”.
If you have enabled the feature and still experience the crashes, then you will go to your VM Settings. Inside the Settings, you will change the CPU uses to half. Then you will enable the 3D acceleration option. Now check again and install Ubuntu in VirtualBox.
How to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows 10 keeps crashing?
If you can’t run VirtualBox on Windows, then you are recommended to check if you have enabled virtualization from BIOS. If you have already enabled the feature from BIOS, then check if you have enabled Hyper-V or Virtualization from Turn features ON or OFF.
Even after enabling the feature, you might experience the error. For such occasions, you are recommended to download VirtualBox and install it again.
Related: Fix “Hardware-assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the bios”
Related: How to fix Invalid Virtual Box parameter –cpuidset?